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Stop Buying Dumb Greeting Cards and Other Ways to Fight Ageism, with Sara Hart, PhD

Sara Hart, PhD has been fighting for gender equity for decades. As the Founder of Prime Spark, Hart now focuses on helping women in their fifties and older eradicate gender ageism.

Gender ageism can take many forms, from the blatant exclusion at work, to condescension, to even the greeting cards people pick up that make big jokes out of getting old. In this chat, Hart talks about what gender ageism looks like, how to fight it, and how to be an ally.


  • How to re-frame your internal approach about aging
  • How you feel about aging can impact how long you live
  • How to do your part in eradicating ageism

The Wise Up! podcast is your weekly dose of business wisdom delivered to you by the members of OpenWater (Subscribe to Wise Up!: Apple Podcasts, Spotify). Sara Hart is a member of OpenWater, a new community focused on supporting midlife professionals transition into the next phase of their career by expanding networking, boosting profiles and connecting people with new opportunities. If you are interested in becoming a member, apply now.


Dr. Hart earned her Ph.D. at Northwestern University and then taught at Queens College in New York City. She spent 20 years at Pfizer where she was responsible for leadership, team, and organization development for the research division in the US. She also was head of HR at the research center in the UK.

After Pfizer, she founded Hartcom, a management consulting company. She also became Executive Director of the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology, an advanced research and advocacy group increasing the impact of women on all aspects of technology. At the Institute she created and led Innovation Workshops working dynamically with women and girls across academic, non-profit and high-tech corporate cultures. She also served as an Executive Director with Association Management Solutions which provides forum management services to some the most innovative technology associations. Sara received formal coaching training at the prestigious Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara and is one of only two certified Thinking Environment™ instructors in the United States.

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