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EcoMundo is on a Mission to Expand the Water Forest; a vital American Resource

The following is a guest post by OpenWater member Arturo Cervantes and Scotty Whitaker, both are Co-Founders of the EcoMundo project.

In a world facing unprecedented ecological crises, the urgent need for innovative solutions has never been greater. Enter EcoMundo, a groundbreaking non-profit initiative that aims to regenerate and expand the magnificent Water Forest in Chalmita, Mexico—a vital ecosystem that sustains life in the country’s central valley. Inspired by the successes of ReNature, Regeneration International, and the trillion-dollar promise of the landscape restoration industry, EcoMundo is poised to become a pioneering model of ecological and cultural revival.

The Water Forest, a lifeline for over 23 million people living in Mexico´s central valley, is a testament to nature’s bounty. Spanning 237,000 hectares of mountain forests and grasslands, it encompasses 21 protected areas, 10 aquifers, and four watersheds, making its conservation a matter of national and international significance. EcoMundo’s demonstration project at Temictla, situated at the heart of this biodiverse haven, embodies the harmony between humanity and nature.

The Water Forest of Mexico

At Temictla, traditional indigenous medicine intertwines with ecological conservation efforts, creating a unique nexus of healing and sustainability. The Nierika Intercultural Medicine Institute and the EcoMundo Institute for Regenerative Living will foster a deep connection with the land, promote cultural exchange, and educate visitors on sustainable practices. The institute will offer workshops on permaculture design, natural building techniques, sustainable technologies, and more, empowering individuals to become stewards of the environment.

EcoMundo’s holistic approach recognizes the intrinsic value of the Water Forest’s remarkable biodiversity, including over 1,212 species, 325 endemic. By integrating indigenous wisdom with contemporary ecological knowledge, the project aims to create a sustainable future that honors the interdependence of all life forms.

The project’s innovative solutions are designed to be inexpensive, locally sourced, and highly effective. From the use of hemp, coconut, and sugarcane-based building materials to the implementation of solar power, and water catchment systems, EcoMundo demonstrates how sustainable living can be achieved with simple, yet powerful technologies.

EcoMundo’s impact extends beyond its immediate surroundings. By developing an open-source framework for community development and an educational curriculum, EcoMundo aims to inspire and guide conservation efforts worldwide. The scalability and replicability of its model offer hope for regions facing similar environmental challenges.

EcoMundo’s Property

EcoMundo’s vision is ambitious, with a 20-year plan that includes expanding the food forest, maximizing sustainable agricultural production, and building a thriving eco-village. The project’s success will be measured not only by the regeneration of the Water Forest but also by the empowerment of local communities and the dissemination of sustainable practices globally.

As we invite others who share our vision to join us on this transformative journey, we emphasize the urgency of our mission. The Water Forest, with its vital aquifers and unique biodiversity, is a precious resource for Mexico and the Americas that demands our collective stewardship. This is the first in a series of dispatches from the Water Forest where I will share our progress as we build out EcoMundo’s facility and community. In future posts, you’ll see how, together with the EcoMundo community, we harness solar power, strengthen our permaculture methods, implement new farming techniques, design unique architecture, educate and reach out to neighboring communities, and much more. 

Together, let us write a new chapter about human harmony with nature. EcoMundo is more than a project; it is a commitment to a sustainable, equitable, and vibrant future. Join us as we regenerate the Water Forest and create a lasting impact that reaches far beyond the mountains of Chalmita. The time to act is now, and the power to make a difference lies in our hands.

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