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How to Be a Fractional Executive

Anyone perusing Linkedin or other types of job boards these days has undoubtedly seen lots of listings for “fractional” executive roles. Fractional is more than just a fancy way of saying “part-time,” it requires a specific mindset and set of skills.

Through Burkland Associates, Debbie Cohen Rosler has been a fractional CFO for numerous clients since 2014. In this Q&A, Rosler will walk you through the mechanics of being a fractional executive, what her day-to-day looks like, and what you should know if you’re interested in taking on fractional work.

At the end of this chat, you’ll have a greater understanding of what fractional executive work requires and whether it’s a good fit for you.

If you enjoy this chat, be sure to check out all of OpenWater’s webinars for even more business wisdom.

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