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Apply for Membership

OpenWater is on a mission to build a strong and supportive professional community that generates new opportunities for our members. 

Once accepted, OpenWater members enjoy a number of benefits including:

Connection with a Community Peers

  • Access to OpenWater platform and mobile app
  • In-person networking events
  • Ongoing virtual, member-to-member connections 

Professional Transition Tools and Guidance

  • Webinars, workshops, bootcamps
  • Resource library
  • Member to member services

Discovery Boost

  • Promotion of member expertise through our podcast (Spotify, Apple) 
  • Thought leadership publication
  • Venue for skill application to other members

For more information, please refer to our membership criteria. Interested applicants should fill out the following form.

By submitting this form, you agree to OpenWater’s terms of service and privacy policy.

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