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How to Be a Defiant Imposter, with Delida Costin

We’ve all heard of imposter syndrome, the feeling that you don’t belong somewhere, typically in a job situation. But as our guest Delida Costin points out, there are times when people actually don’t “belong” due to some existing institutional, systemic structures rife with racism, sexism and other factors.

It is during these times that Costin believes in becoming a “Defiant Imposter.” To recognize the situation you are in, and embrace who you are and overcome stereotypes imposed upon you.

In this discussion, Costin breaks down what a “Defiant Imposter” is (and why it might be okay to be an imposter!), how workplaces can begin discussions around belonging, strategies to overcome existing barriers, and the importance of saying “Tell me about that.”

Delida Costin will be delivering the Ted Talk, “Defying Imposter Syndrome” on August 7. Register for it here.

The Wise Up! Podcast is your weekly dose of business wisdom, brought to you by the members of OpenWater. Subscribe to Wise Up!, the OpenWater Podcast: Apple Podcasts, Spotify.

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