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Leading for Inclusivity and Psychological Safety, with Minette Norman

When you’re a leader at a company, creating room for a diversity of opinions and psychological safety in your teams is critical to your success. But how do you establish those mechanisms?

Today we chat with , former tech exec and now a speaker and author of “The Boldly Inclusive Leader.” In this discussion we talk about issues like building true diversity of thought, inclusion and creating psychological safety across your organization.


  • The importance of cognitive differences
  • How Post-It Notes can make meetings more inclusive
  • Identifying blindspots (without getting defensive)

For more about Minette, or to book her as a speaker, visit

Listen to Wise Up!, the OpenWater Podcast: Apple Podcasts, Spotify.

Minette is a member of OpenWater, which is building a community and platform to support midlife professionals by expanding networks, boosting discoverability, and connecting with new opportunities. To find out more, register for an information session and apply for membership.

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