Listen Up! OpenWater Launches Weekly Podcast

We are thrilled to announce the official launch of the OpenWater podcast!
One of the benefits of building a community of accomplished professionals on OpenWater is that we have a ton of interesting people with a wealth of experience and a ton of expertise in their fields. Each week the OpenWater podcast sits down with one of our members to chat about various trends, events, happening in their particular corner of the world.
You can subscribe to the OpenWater podcast on podcast players like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
The OpenWater podcast promises to bring you in-depth chats on a wide range of topics, so you’ll learn something new each time. Take our first episode, for instance. It’s all about the domain name business. You know — the words you type into your browser to get to a website. They are probably something you don’t put much thought into, but you should! Domain names are big business and picking the right one can have a huge impact on your business.
To find out all the ins and outs of domain naming, we brought in an expert. OpenWater member Andrew Allemann is the Publisher of Domain Name Wire and has been in the business of analyzing and buying domain names for decades.
In this episode, we discuss:
- The (relative) importance of having a dot-com name
- How domains that aren’t available are still obtainable
- Why you should not be afraid to spend money on the right domain
- The radio test, and why it’s important to your domain name choice
It’s a really fun chat that you’ll enjoy, so give it a listen, then subscribe so you don’t miss an episode.