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Why Your ForthAct Might be Your Best Act, with Shirley Braun and Kristin Kobey

People in the latter stages of their careers may find themselves at a crossroads. They’ve already been working for decades, are great at what they do — but may want something more or different going forward. The challenge is knowing what they really want, and finding a viable path to transition into something new. 

That’s where Teal Dot comes in. Founded by certified coaches Shirley Braun and Kristin Kobey, Teal Dot launched ForthAct — an eight week program that helps people re-wire their career thinking and helps them navigate the latter phase of their career. 

Braun and Kobey are conducting a special ForthAct Bootcamp exclusively for for OpenWater members on June 11th. If you are interested in becoming a member, apply now!

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