How to Launch Your Own Hot Sauce (or Beer, or Candy) Brand, with Daniel Scharff

Is your homemade hot sauce so good your friends say you should sell it? Is your home brew beer a side hustle now that you’d actually like to sell? Then you should start by watching this video with Startup CPG Founder Daniel Scharff.
Startup CPG is a huge community and resource where independent consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies can learn all they need to know about going from garage to the shelves at Whole Foods.
In this talk, Scharff breaks down how to think about your product, some of the common pitfalls to watch out for, his favorite categories, and why, actually, maybe hold off with the hot sauce (there’s too many!) and try out hydration.
This is a clip from our talk. The full interview is available for OpenWater members. To join our community, fill out an application.