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Watch Now: How to Find the Right Business Partner

Spencer Sherman

So you’ve got an idea for a business, but you know you need to bring in someone else to really make it a success. Who you gonna call? That’s the question we tackle in this week’s webinar — How to Find the Right Business Partner.

We were lucky enough to get Spencer Sherman, Founder of Abacus Wealth to come in and walk us through some of the big things you should consider before adding a business partner. In this discussion we talk about:

  • Should you go into business with your best friend? (SPOILER: Probably not)
  • What you should learn about yourself before you bring in a partner
  • Some of the tough conversations you should have prior to any agreement

It’s a really insightful chat that anyone looking to launch a business with someone else should watch. (NOTE: This programming should not be considered any kind of financial advice.)

If you like this chat, be sure to check out our full calendar of events coming up!

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