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Why You Should Write Your Eulogy Today (to Better Spend Your Time Tomorrow)

Time is something we all spend, yet never have enough of (just ask Jim Croce). So how do we maximize the time we have left doing the things that bring us maximum enjoyment and fulfillment?

Writing your eulogy may seem like a odd place to start, but as Cassie Holmes, UCLA Professor and author of Happier Hour explains, crystalizing how we want to be remembered helps us figure out how to spend the years we have left.

So stop scrolling through your phone, shut off the TV and learn some tips and tricks for creating happier hours, days, weeks, months and years.


  • The importance of tracking your time
  • How our age impacts how we experience happiness
  • Why she has her students write their eulogies

To download your own time tracker and learn more about Prof. Holmes’ work, visit

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